Tuesday, October 30, 2007

disown, nohup,screen,script,mkfifo

1. nohup command > output.txt &
nohup command > /dev/null &

2. disown -h jobnumber
disown -ar

3. screen
screen -list
screen -Dr number
screen -dm -S name -t titlename

4. script -t 2> timing
note: -t flag tells the script to output all timing info to standard error, so later we call scriptreplay, feeding it the timing file. take note of that replaying a session is only guaranteed to work properly on the terminal where the oriiginal session output file was created.

for realtime monitoring on another tty
mkfifo out
script -f out (waiting for another person to do 'cat out' in another ssh session, then it will promopt command line promot to continue)

then use

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